Eiji (永次) and Momo (桃) met when they were barely teenagers on a forum about anime, Japanese culture, and RPGs. They spent countless nights writing stories together and staying up until their alarms went off in the morning, and in the following years remained best friends. They met in person for the first time in their early twenties, found they were truly inseparable, and married shortly after. Now the husband and wife duo have decided to learn Japanese at home on their own, through self study and immersion of Japanese culture, food, radio, music, TV shows, and video games. This is their adventure.

hobbies writing, video games, Japanese
likes tea, reading by a fire, taking walks, 80’s synth music, wearing socks, positivity

hobbies photography, writing, Japanese
likes tea, window light, fresh fruit, stargazing, bare feet, simplicity


After watching several friends (at least seven) go overseas for a year and come back fluent we came to the realization that we can immerse ourselves at home and create the same experience. You don’t need to go to school to learn a language. (Did you go to school to learn your first language?) But you don’t need to go live in Japan to learn Japanese. With the internet, we have endless resources at our fingertips. There’s no reason we can’t do this ourselves.

Since starting this experience, we’ve found several people already out there doing the same thing, and we’re excited by that, inspired, and hoping to make new friends in all areas of the learning process.

With Kanji & Tea, we plan to document our adventure through learning Japanese, but also to provide information on ways to study and progress, as well as free resources to help others. We have in the works, Study the Kanji iPod Flash Cards, Bedtime Stories, and other ways to immerse yourself and transform your life using recipes (both traditional and using everyday-if-you-don’t-have-a-nearby-market!), reading, and free resources. Basically, so you have no excuses not to learn the language.

Thanks for stopping by and we look forward to learning Japanese with you!


7 Responses to About

  1. What a lovely blog! Im also learning Japanese and blog about it 🙂 I think it’s great you guys are learning it together (makes it a lot more fun also). Good luck!

  2. I was just having some tea and I was studying some Kanji and I thought to myself, “wasn’t there a blog with tea and kanji in the name?” So I found myself here, I know you haven’t updated in a while, I hope you two are making a lot of progress with your Japanese. I myself am studying for the JLPT N2 in December. I just want to see what the hype is or is not about. Anyways good blog name! If it was named anything else I wouldn’t have randomly come here like I did today.

  3. Oliver says:

    Hi Eiji and Momo,

    I like your blog!

    I’m writing because I’ve made an original iphone game you may be interested in called Kanji Wordsearch, to study kanji in a new and enjoyable way – check it out at:


    (Video demos available on Facebook site)

    It will be available from Tuesday 11th January.

    Hope you like it!

    Oliver Rose

    • says:


      Thanks so much for stopping by, and we would love to check out your iPhone game (and potentially review it here)! I’ll take a look in iTunes and your site right now.


  4. Or Hiltch says:

    You guys are awesome. Cute blog, the recipes and photos are really great as well.

  5. Raziel says:

    I was just wondering how well the process of immersion has been working for you. You started the project in 2010, so it’s been nearly two years. I’m wondering if it has worked for you before I embark on the investment myself. ^_^

    Thanks, and great blog.

  6. 電波少女☆かなちゃん! says:


    I hope you stay motivated to learn this fun and interesting language.

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